I stopped by Walmart on my way home tonight and picked up Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. Loved it...maybe I'm too easily amused but I really enjoyed it. Hyper-speed fun...looking at it deeply though, it was missing some things but it was fun and enjoyable. Like a summer blockbuster movie.
Wasn't too fond of William Baldwin as the voice of Batman but...he was acceptable. Not horrible. I enjoyed Mark Hamill as Superman though I thought he sounded like Tim Daly from Superman: TAS so maybe that is why I enjoyed his performance...that and I really enjoy NCIS. The other voices were fine and the animation was really good. As much as I love the Justice League and JLU series, I realize how much it is cleaner and more polished these DTV movies are. Especially after viewing the accompanying Justice League 2-part episode that was included in the 2-disc set after watching Crisis on Two Earths.
The Spectre animated short was also enjoyable. They animated it in a sort of noir-ish fashion. Hopefully WB Animation continues to create animated shorts of other characters on future DVDs.

The DVD also included a preview for the upcoming Batman: Under the Hood movie. Seems interesting and seems to follow the "Death in the Family" storyline till "Under the Hood" storyline of recent years. Of course since it is a DC and especially since it is a Batman centric story I'm excited.
I also found this new Batman figure while at Walmart. I didn't even know this one was coming out. It is from wave 10 of the DC Universe line. I think it is based on the Batman comics from the mid-late 90's.
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