As excited as I was to see that, I sometimes think that there were bigger thrills for these movies back in the day...before the internet. No Duh! but I remember back in 1988 reading about a Batman movie that was going to be made for the summer of '89. The only thing we knew was that Michael Keaton was gonna play Batman and it was gonna be a serious "dark" movie. With Keaton playing Batman, I think a lot of people were thinking it was gonna be like Adam West's '66 series (that I love).
I don't remember what movie it was but I remember that there was a real excitement of seeing the trailer for Batman. Nothing to spoil it, no previous knowledge of what to expect going in, just sitting there in awe seeing the Dark Knight on the big screen for the first time. Not to say I still don't get a kick out of seeing the new Batman trailers on the big screen today, just that I usually know what to expect going in.